Events and Function management platform

Sell tickets for Functions and Events directly from your booking widget.

Create an event, promotion and accept deposit or full payment and get paid in advance with our platform.


Enter your event details

Let your customers know when and what your event is about.


Create your tickets

Set up your ticket or multiple tickets to maximise your customer spend and kitchen productivity.


Publish and share

Once your event is live on Bookya, easily share to your website, Facebook, Instagram, Google and many more places to reach out more tickets buyers and make the even successful

Reserved Seating

Using your venue layout, we'll create a seating chart so that you or your patrons can select their own seats for some or all of your events.

Sell Tickets on Facebook

Sell tickets directly on your Facebook Page right where your customers see your posts about upcoming events and shows.

Receive Payments Daily

Don't wait weeks to access your funds. Ticket proceeds are deposited nightly direct to your bank using your own payment gateway.

Online Ordering

Take online orders without paying any commission

Bookya Table Booking System
Sell tickets for Functions and Events
Online Ordering
Online Ordering
Bookya Table Booking System